Waste Free Tennessee

Helping you make the transition to a more eco-friendly lifestyle, one step at a time. Reducing waste, choosing sustainability, and giving back to the environment to stop climate change and take care of this shared planet on which we live.

Jelt is Turning Water Bottles Into Ethical Clothing – Belt Review

Since Bea Johnson popularized the idea of a Zero Waste Home, Americans have been joining in on the quest to reduce, reuse, recycle, and look for package-free products in a quest to achieve zero waste. There are many things you can do to reduce waste! Especially when it comes to eliminating single-use plastics! One of the most impactful steps you can take is to start buying reusable water bottles and stop buying your water in...

When recycling seems like too much work, consider this

Recycling isn’t a new concept, yet only 34% of all waste is recycled. “It can be difficult for consumers to understand what materials can be recycled, how materials can be recycled, and where to recycle different materials. This confusion often leads to placing recyclables in the trash or throwing trash in the recycling bin or cart.” Education is crucial as this problem impacts many people across the globe, and it’s one that we will...

Compost Alternative for Those Who Can’t Compost Food Waste

After moving from the countryside to an apartment, I was distressed by not having a place to dispose of my food scraps. I started doing research looking for solutions. That is when I discovered Foodcycler! So, I reached out to the team at the Foodcycler company for information and received one to test out and am happy to report that it is the answer I was looking for! My friends who have been to my place have seen...

Top 4 Benefits to Reducing Food Waste

Americans toss more than 133 billion pounds of food into the landfill yearly. Estimates say around one-third of all food produced is wasted. The financial cost of food waste is about $218 billion, according to ReFED.com. Reducing food waste by just one-third would be enough to feed all of the 42 million Americans who face food insecurity. If America went grocery shopping, we would leave the store with five bags and drop...

The Environmental Impact of Single Use Cleaning Products

We are all aware of the drain on earth’s resources but maybe we don’t see it in relation to our everyday activities. Take cleaning for example. How often do we consider the environmental impact of single use cleaning products? Our forests are in crisis. Nearly half of all global forests are under threat of deforestation and forest degradation, which represents a major risk to global climate, biodiversity, water, people, and businesses...

Ethical Clothing for the Zero Waste Lifestyle

Did you know that clothing is one of the most significant environmental problems, along with housing, transportation, and food? Ethical Clothing Options The fashion industry has a detrimental impact on the environment – in fact, according to EcoWatch, Fast Fashion is the Second Dirtiest Industry in the World. All of these recommendations may not suit your lifestyle. One or two of them will be enough to help you stay stylish and...

46 Ideas for Reducing Waste and a Greener Lifestyle

Get to a greener lifestyle while reducing waste. Ideas for change Maybe you can’t do everything on this list, perhaps you could pick one or two suggestions to work on every season change? Know the R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse, and Rot 1. In the case of rot – compost your banana peels, avocado pits, eggshells, and coffee grounds. Composting can be an exciting and educational family project that will reward you with...

Plastic Pollution: Does it have an impact on your life?

Most of us tend to focus on the immediate problems in our lives instead of the ones that will creep up on us at some undetermined time in the future. I believe this is one of the top reasons why many people fail to take action on issues like waste reduction. We don’t consciously think, “plastic pollution doesn’t affect me” instead, we’re just too busy to think about it. What you can’t see can hurt you. Just because you do not...

Staying Motivated to Live Waste Free When Your Partner is not on Board

Finding the motivation One brick wall many of us run into is a partner who is not at all motivated to reduce waste. To be honest, some people simply do not want to put forth the effort. I have found it is best to simply inform, explain the reasoning, and then let it go. No matter how much you dislike seeing a pile of paper towels go in the trash can. And irregardless of how many times you find the lights on with no one around, relationships are...

Budget friendly, simple swaps for waste reduction

Going waste free without going broke Here are a few ideas for simple swaps that will help you reach your zero waste goals! Paper towels vs. cloth Buying a pack of inexpensive cotton cloths one time, washing them once per week is not so much more time consuming than using paper towels. The latter involves driving to the store, paying for a giant package of individually plastic wrapped rolls of paper towels, lugging them home, storing them,...

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